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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Heelers and Humdity

Morning sky over Ocotillos
It was very hot and humid out there this morning when Willow, Frio and I set off on our daily hike.  You know it's bad when Willow starts taking shade breaks in spots she never lies down in.

There's a slight chance of severe weather this afternoon, though it seems unlikely we'll get anything but rain, if that.  We've had an incredibly poor monsoon season this year and it usually ends around September 30th.

Saw a few birds while we were out there today, but there seemed to be a dearth of critters; they probably had the good sense to stay out of the uncomfortable weather.

Frio and Willow

Long view across the desert

Heart in the right place

Fishhook Barrel Cactus flower and tiny friend

Same barrel cactus as above


Last 2:  way up in the right branch


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Gorgeous images of the Fishhook Barrel Cactus flower.

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