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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Sunday Saunter or Stroll?

Small barrel cactus
It felt a bit cooler when Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I set off on our morning hike today even though no breeze was blowing.  One reason conditions were better had to do with our departure from home time:  we left almost half an hour earlier than we usually do.

We followed our normal route and saw no one else along the way, though it was evident the Basset people had been down LDR-A ahead of us due to the fresh fecal deposits on the trail.

As we were first starting off there were several coyotes talking to each other nearby, but we never saw any.  They don't call them Tricksters for nothing.

Ridge west of LDR-A

Desert view

Inside LDR-A arroyo


This & next:  Swainson's Hawk from the same distance

Looking down the right branch

Last 2:  Willow and Frio in the shadow of their favorite yucca


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photo of the first Barrel cactus.

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