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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Early Start, Early Finish

Sun splashing over the mountain
Becca and I got an early start on our trek this morning, and conditions weren't too awful even though we're heading for 97F today.  It would have felt much better had there been even a hint of wind, but no such luck.  A lot of other outdoor enthusiasts were on and around Tortugas Mountain, everybody getting their exercise in before the temperature rose too high.
Surveying the way ahead

Between here and the Organ Mountains

Ocotillos have been green for quite a while

Soaptree Yucca fruit

One of Becca's favorite shade spots

Mesquite beans make really tasty flour

This and the next four:  immature female Great-tailed Grackle

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the female grackle in action.

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