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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Hot Wednesday

She's in there
We took a longer hike this morning, but I shot fewer photos.  Didn't see much of interest and I wasn't really in the mood to do any bushwhacking.  I did find a really interesting rock unlike any I've found before.  It's a magical-looking thing, ebony in some places with lucky-stone like striations through the black.  Any geologists in my vast group of followers? :)
Becca leading the way to higher ground

The sky looked like this for much of our morning hike

West of Tortugas

A particularly sandy section of northern Chihuahuan Desert

Closer in to Tortugas

One of the more interesting rocks I've found in the desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Technically it's not summer until June 21, but the weather gods don't seem to know that.

Sixth Day Solo with Wils

From the trailhead Dr. K had an AAUW meeting this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily hike. We followed our regular route seeing no...