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Friday, January 19, 2024

Friday's Foursome

Sneaking up
After days out of the saddle Dr. K joined us on this morning's outing.  Because she had a late-morning appointment we didn't extend the hike, settling for our usual route.  "O"s didn't seem to mind.

The weather was fairly pleasant, sunny not cool.  Another cold front is expected to roll in beginning tomorrow and there's a 50% chance of rain on Sunday.

Wils and Frio

Soaptree Yucca in the left branch arroyo

This & next:  the "O"s

Down the middle branch

Soaptree and Organs

Dr. K treating Frio (and Willow)

Captain Devil's Claw

Backlit Prickly Pear


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the image of the backlit Prickly Pear.

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