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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saturday Special

At start
37F when we started off this morning under an overcast sky; a slight breeze made it feel quite cold out there.

We had a distant encounter with the Basset people and their hounds when we were descending the middle branch arroyo.  They were heading north along the ridge west of us, and their hounds started barking at us.  We never really got close to each other.

Did a short drive after the trek to check out several different neighborhoods in our area for no particular reason.


This & next:  Tortugas and the Organs

This & next:  Frio and Willow

Prickly Pear

View from the right branch arroyo

View of Right Branch Arroyo from halfway up the hill

Hill and mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photo "Hill and Mountain."

Our Little Mountain

Crazy clouds on Willow's morning constitutional Dr. K, Willow and I took a very pleasant hike to the top of the mountain behind our cabi...