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Monday, November 2, 2009

Daylight Savings Time Debut Hike

A fallen warrior on Tortugas's west side; this Yucca has snapped off at the trunk.

Healthy Yuccas and Ocotillos.

Power to the mountain.

A solitary hiker descends a steep trail on Tortugas.


Dr. K said...

Nice to wake up to the sun, thanks to the time change.

Matthew said...

Arizona doesn't have Daylight Savings Time, so I don't even know what it means.

I going to create a new 'fad': 'rolling' instead of 'hiking'. The concept is roll yourself up and down the mountains wearing only a Speedo. Whoever has the fewest open wounds and jumping cholla stuck to their face loses.

Nice photos.

packrat said...

I'm not doing any "rolling" anytime soon.

Cholla Surprise

Black-chinned Hummingbird We had a good, semi-long hike this morning, adding distance by doing a bit of bushwhacking over to the saddle sout...