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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Hike Followed by Labor

This and the next:  Frio and Willow
We got an early start today on a windy morning in our section of the northern Chihuahuan Desert, and we hiked up to First Arroyo, popped in for a brief respite, and then headed back.

Because of the wind it didn't feel too hot out there, but sensation can be deceiving in the desert; the sun beats down on you while the wind evaporates your perspiration giving the perception that you aren't quite as warm as you really are.

Getting home and slaking your thirst is one thing, but drinking plenty of water to rehydrate is very important, which is exactly what we did not long after walking through the garage entry door at our house.

Soaptree Yuccas blocking the sun

Inside First Arroyo

This and the next 3:  yucca stalks


Willow and Frio

This and the next 2:  long dirt road

Cloud over the Organs

Long dirt road looking north

Cloud has changed shape

Monday, June 29, 2020

A Breeze At Least

This and the next:  Heelers in a wash
Back in the lower desert Dr. K, Frio, Willow and I did our regular hike along LDR-A and LDR this morning.  It was already hot, but a constant light breeze made conditions bearable.

We saw nobody else out there today--not even any vehicles parked in the dirt lot at the corner of Tellbrook and Sonoma Ranch.

We're under a Red Flag Warning beginning this afternoon; the winds will pick up and fill the sky with dust and sand.  Not a pleasant experience.

Looking southwest down an arroyo

This and the very last:  B&W experiments

Yesterday's gone

Willow and Frio

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Back From the Highlands

White Sands National Park under overcast
Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I got a fairly early start on the Grandview Trail this morning, starting from the lower trailhead and hiking well past the midway ramada; it was the longest high-country hike for the Heelers yet.

We went back to the cabin afterward and finished packing for our return to the low desert.  It was a successful trip, but I worked my butt off up there, and I'm already paying the price.

It was astonishing to see how adaptable Willow and Frio are to a change in their routine; they loved the high country, felt right at home in our place up there, and especially enjoyed going up and down the staircase from the lower 600 (square feet) to the upper 600.
This and the next 2:  Hedgehog Cactus at the edge of a rock outcrop

This and the next:  High Rolls Heelers

This and the next 2:  thought it was Rubber Rabbitbrush

The flowers look wrong for Rabbitbrush

This and the very last:  vista from the Grand View Trail
Who sits on steps like this?
Frio with Willow above
A closer look at the high jinks Heelers

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Hike and More Work

Juvenile Spotted Towhee
Up early for Dr. K, Frio, Willow and I in order to do a short hike on the Grand View Trail this morning.  It was hot, but it didn't seem as bad as yesterday.  We went a little further today, and only ran into two other hikers (looked to be a mother and daughter) who were just about to set off from their vehicle parked directly behind our CR-V.

When we got home I had to change into work clothes and finish the tasks still remaining from yesterday:  cut the weeds in the driveway and road with the lawnmower, reposition the railroad ties and rock borders in some places near the pumphouse and house, and inspect the new door at the entrance to the crawlspace to make sure it was still a solid deterrent to any rodent intruders.  All good.

Right now I feel pretty wasted.  :)
Along the Grand View Trail

White Sands National Park a white chalk line at the horizon

Closer look at White Sands

Horsetail clouds

This and the next:  Tularosa Basin mesa

Heading back on the Grand View

The rest:  Turkey Vulture sunning itself on a tall pole

Friday, June 26, 2020

High Country Heelers

Fruit of the Banana Yucca
Willow and Frio got their first hike on the Grand View Trail in the Lincoln National Forest outside of High Rolls/Mountain Park.  They liked it, though Willow was all nose, sniffing everything in sight.  We were lucky in that we encountered no other hikers with dogs this morning.

Both Heelers are quite adaptable and they seem quite at home in our place here in the Sacramento Mountains.  They go upstairs and down as if they were born on steps.

Since we haven't been here in months and accumulated over 5 inches of rain during that time I had a lot of mowing to do around the house and up the drive.  I'll have an equal amount of work to do tomorrow in order to finish up.
Mesa or butte?

This and the next:  Willow and Frio

NM Rails-to-Trails ramada on the Grand View Trail

This and the next:  White Sands National Park from the Grand View

Shady spot to rest for a minute


This and the next 2:  cactus in rock


Grand View Trail

This and the next:  High Country Heelers

This and the next:  Mormon Tea alongside the trail

Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...