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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Another Eve Trek

Another long view
A tad cold when Dr. K, Willow and I did our last hike of 2024 this morning:  35F.  About midway through, though, I was able to remove my earband and gloves because things felt significantly warmer under the steady sunshine.

The most remarkable sight on today's trek was an ocotillo blooming west of the middle branch arroyo; I don't believe we've ever seen one blossoming at this time of year.  Saw our first Loggherhead Shrike as well.

We didn't see any other outdoor enthusiast during our trek, but we did spot the Basset people and their hounds walking down Tellbrook Road while we were driving home.

What does Willow see?

Soaptree Yuccas west of the Organ Mountains

This & next:  same Loggerhead Shrike

Willow on break

Last 3:  Ocotillo blooming on New Year's Eve 2024


Monday, December 30, 2024

High, But Then Low

Sacramentos from our road
We did our usual forest hike this morning.  While we were trekking skyward Willow picked up the scent of a deer, one we saw later on the way down.  Dr. K and I had to call Willow back because she wanted to chase; but our heeler was very obedient.

After the outing we had lunch at the cabin, packed up when we were finished, and headed back down the mountain for our low desert home, where we are now.

When we first entered the house Willow went running from room to room searching for something.  We had just seen a woman with three dogs across the street from our place, and there was the chance that Willow was looking for them; however, Dr. K and I both had the sense that she was trying to find Frio, which broke our hearts.

Willow is always staring at something

This & next:  American Robin

Willow hears something

This & next:  Willow searching for critters

This & next:  Willow on the scent of a deer

The view from our road


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Three For the Forest

On our road before sunrise
Dr. K, Willow and I got a bit of a later start this morning, and, as a result probably overdressed a little; not Willow, of course.  The temperature didn't get as low last night as it had on previous nights, and the daytime temp is projected to be higher, probably 58F--quite pleasant for December 29th.

After a fairly strenuous mountain hike Dr. K and I disposed of an old railroad tie that was junking up the front yard of the cabin, perhaps attracting termites to the remnants.  We managed to clean the area up in about twenty minutes.  Willow kept an eye on us by watching through the north window, making sure we didn't wander away.

Dr. K and I did search for the source of the rotting carcass smell emanating from somewhere on our property, and after a short exploration we found the corpse of an elk that had died, presumably, sometime during the previous month.

Trees X

Roswell remnant

Forest view

Forest critter

A long view

Tularosa Basin

White Sands NP

This & next:  view from our road

Our solar box

Once was an organic farm, and maybe still is


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Trek and Trip

Dr. K, Willow and I took a fairly long hike in the forest behind the cabin this morning; the weather was much better than the past few days.  Ear band and gloves came off quickly.

After the trek we returned to the cabin briefly and then got ready for a trip up to Family Dollar in Cloudcroft where we bought six gallons of water and a bottle of Mott's apple juice.

We drove along Burro Avenue after that, stopping so I could snap a few photos.  We were back by 10:30.

Dr. K and Willow

Smudge clouds

Willow leading us up the mountain

Favored tree

Looking over Highway 82

This & next 2:  the high life (White Sands NP at horizon)

Hedgehog cactus

Looking down

Looking up

Willow at the side of the cabin

This & next 2:  Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft

Willow X

Willow resting at the top of our drive


Friday, December 27, 2024

Forest Friday

1st 2:  same Robin
It was chilly early when Dr. K, Willow and I started off on our morning hike, which we did in the forest behind the cabin.  When the wind died down the weather conditions were quite bearable.

We followed our accustomed route until a barking dog on the mountain forced us to backtrack and come down the way we had ascended the steep slope.  The maneuver didn't shorten the trek, however.

When we took Willow out after lunch weather had worsened even though the temperature was higher; a cold wind made us return to the cabin sooner than we'd planned.

A different Robin

Find the heeler

Morning sky

Looking northward toward the road to Cloudcroft

This & next:  Haynes Canyon

Willow leading the way

Karr Canyon

Willow having a rest


Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...