Squiggling through the desert |
Zigzagging out of the foothills |
Spotting trucks on the mountain |
Where the road meets the mountains |
Becca sees something I don't |
Tortugas Mountain from a westside arroyo |
Squiggling through the desert |
Zigzagging out of the foothills |
Spotting trucks on the mountain |
Where the road meets the mountains |
Becca sees something I don't |
Tortugas Mountain from a westside arroyo |
Becca at work along the Crosscut Trail |
Glacier Lake, Mill Creek Metroparks, Youngstown, Ohio |
A remnant bloom in Fellows Riverside Gardens |
Brilliant red tree in Fellows Riverside Gardens |
Leaves of said tree, whose name I have forgotten |
Steel bridge, Mill Creek Metroparks |
Canadian Goose on Smythe Island, Mill Creek MetroParks |
The wetlands surrounding Smythe Island |
Becca on break |
Miles from the break point |
Stingleaf flower (Cevallia sinuata, Stickleaf Family) |
Becca on the trail south of Tortugas Mountain |
A young Mule Deer doe heading up the mountain |
The young Mule Deer buck who accompanied the doe up Tortugas |
Skygazing |
One way up the mountain |
Becca watching students at the lineman school |
Most of the Ocotillos are leafless now |
Snake skin |
Closeup of skin in hole |
Snake skin avoider |
Familiar scene |
The start of the Sierra Norte Trail |
Fruit of a Barrel Cactus |
Climable rock formations |
Rocky formations in the Organ Mountains |
Dr. K and Sniffy the dog |
Looking down on Tortugas Mountain |
Great picnic spot |
Local color |
Apach Plume (foreground) |
Closeup of Apache Plume |
The Organ Mountains |
Four sisters (four-part Barrel Cactus clones?) |
Up a steep slope |
Packrat and Becca beside a good-size Barrel Cactus |
Dynamic clouds early |
Blue skies to the northeast |
Clouds hugging the horizon to the west |
Long, straight shot |
Becca and bare Ocotillos |
Across the Mesilla Valley, the Potrillo Mountains |
Guess who Both Dr. K and I were overdressed when we started off on the morning hike. The weather has been unusually hot of late, but things...