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Friday, April 11, 2008

Organ Donor

Many dirt roads crisscross the desert around "A" Mountain. This road roughly parallels Dripping Springs Road before abruptly turning to the southeast. The rugged Organ Mountains form a backdrop--as they do here--to many a photo taken in the Mesilla Valley of southern New Mexico. The mountains were called "Sierra de los Organos" by the Spaniards who passed through here on their way north along the Jornada del Muerto because, depending on the angle of the sun, the mountains resembled various body parts. The most embarrassing section of the trip for these intrepid explorers was the trail through the Buttock foothills. The more modest of the travelers often borrowed the blinders from the pack oxen to prevent seeing more than was prudent.

1 comment:

Dr. K said...


Now how do you know what the Spaniards thought about the different body parts? Maybe they enjoyed traveling through the Buttock foothills? Where's your evidence? It is a nice photo, though.

Saturday with Wils

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