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Monday, December 27, 2010

From the Mojave to the Chihuahuan Desert

Jet contrails over Tortugas Mountain
After a short trip to Las Vegas in the Mojave Desert, we're back in the Chihuahuan Desert around Tortugas (Tortoise) Mountain.  Only Dr. K and I did the hike, though, because George and Becca have yet to be sprung from the kennel.  The weather in both deserts was about the same during the days--about 55 degrees F.  Different lows, though.  In Las Vegas it was in the low 40s.  Las Cruces was 30 F last night.

Trail along the foothills

Clouds and contrails over the Organ Mountains

Where Tortugas and the Organs seem to meet

Lines in the desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It was good to take a hike, though we missed Becca.

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