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Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day Hike

Rain clouds over Tortugas Mountain
There were natural fireworks last night as a thunderstorm rolled into the Mesilla Valley, bringing much-needed rain.  Dewpoints are high again today, and the promise of life-giving precipitation remains strong. Weatherwise, this has been a troubling year so far for much of the United States, with searing drought in the Southwest setting all-time records, hundreds of killer tornadoes in the Midwest, and devastating floods in the North and South. 
Faithful companion waits for us

Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

Across the flat plane of Chihuahuan Desert

Chihuahuan Desert scene

Desert flora finally got a good soaking last night


Jasmine Walt said...

Those thunderclouds have been tempting us all week, but they just spit on us and pass over to your direction. At least someone is getting rain!

Dr. K said...

We're getting a little rain, but not very much. Hopefully the rainy season will come soon.

Saturday with Wils

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