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Saturday, December 28, 2024

Trek and Trip

Dr. K, Willow and I took a fairly long hike in the forest behind the cabin this morning; the weather was much better than the past few days.  Ear band and gloves came off quickly.

After the trek we returned to the cabin briefly and then got ready for a trip up to Family Dollar in Cloudcroft where we bought six gallons of water and a bottle of Mott's apple juice.

We drove along Burro Avenue after that, stopping so I could snap a few photos.  We were back by 10:30.

Dr. K and Willow

Smudge clouds

Willow leading us up the mountain

Favored tree

Looking over Highway 82

This & next 2:  the high life (White Sands NP at horizon)

Hedgehog cactus

Looking down

Looking up

Willow at the side of the cabin

This & next 2:  Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft

Willow X

Willow resting at the top of our drive


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photos of Burro Avenue. It's good to see a lot of activity in the Cloudcroft village.

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