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Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Long Road

The Beckster and I hiked a long dirt road we'd never tried before, and we put some mileage on our feet (paws).  We got a different perspective of Tortugas Mountain and the Organ Mountains from the far west.  We only ran into two hikers at the end of our trek; both hikers had two dogs each.  Becca was very well behaved toward them.
Lush section of the Chihuahuan Desert
Tortugas Mountain from a distance
The mountainous desert
A well-traveled dirt road
The Organ Mountains on the far horizon

Dog with a view

Dog at rest

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I can't wait to try this new trail.

Rim Trail Trek

Just starting off on Rim Trail 105 this morning We decided to drive to Sunspot and hike the Rim Trail which starts near the Apache Point tur...