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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday Hike

Purple Prickly Pear cactus
A moderately-long hike around Tortugas Mountain this morning was extremely relaxing.  It seemed as if we had the entire area to ourselves; there were no other hikers, joggers or mountain bikers.  Unfortunately, I had to cut the hike a bit short so that I could go grocery shopping before Albertsons got overrun with zombies.
Shadow of Tortugas

Trail through the shade

The noble hound

Franklin Mountains near El Paso

Trail out of the foothills

Down the trail

Wait a sec--something's caught her attention

Tortugas Mountain in the early morning

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the colors of that prickly pear cactus.


Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo It felt like spring out there this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily trek. Prickly an...