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Monday, March 21, 2011

Special Monday

Ocotillos on Tortugas's western flank
Becca and I had the added pleasure of Dr. K's company this morning, as she accompanied us on a rare Monday hike.  The weather was beautiful, dynamic.  We put quite a few miles on our feet, but Becca, with double the number of feet, was undeterred by the distance.
Desert Dog in her element

Moody scene

The distant Potrillo Mountains

The noble canine

Looking back toward Tortugas

The mighty Organ Mountains

Some plants will be blossoming soon

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I see signs of spring all over the desert.

Late Spring

Dinosaur spine Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a warm morning that has turned out to be another hot, springlike day. White-winge...