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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

C is for Cactus Wren

Southwestward Ho
Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular route this morning pausing a few times for shade breaks that weren't really necessary.  At the ancient Soaptree Yucca in the left branch arroyo we stopped for a water break and Willow deigned to take a sip or two.

I was pleased to get a few decent images of two Cactus Wrens who landed on ocotillo branches nearby and stayed in place long enough to be photographed.

At the start of our hike we spotted the Basset people far off to the west; they were on the way home after their outing.

Lady Anas

Down for the count


Wils on the short crossover trail between right and left arroyos

Southern section of the middle branch arroyo

Tortugas and the Organs

View from the right branch arroyo

This & next:  same Cactus Wren

Prickly Pear with ocotillo growing out of it

Different Cactus Wren

Bosom buddies

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice images of the Cactus Wrens, one of my favorite desert birds. Their nests are engineering marvels.

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