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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hummer Altra Volta

Tortugas and the Organs in the distance
The weather was pleasant this morning, though slightly warm; this ongoing heatwave is a real drag.

We had to alter our usual hike due to a man with two dogs descending LDR from the north.  We bushwhacked to the east across to the right branch arroyo, descended it to the left branch, ascended the left branch to a spot where we've often bushwhacked from in the past.

We bushwhacked over to the saddle and then up onto the crest of 4210 hill; afterward we retraced our steps to the left branch and then followed our usual route hoping that the Rufous Hummingbirds we've seen the past few days would be visiting the late-blooming ocotillos when we reached the plants growing in the middle branch arroyo.  As you can see below they were there.

Three wise men looking desiccated

Canine face?

Willow taking a breather

Long view to the mountains

Another long view of the mountains

This & next 4:  hummers again

Ocotillo and yucca buddies

Willow and Dr. K in the right branch arroyo

Last 2:  Dove Tree

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

More beautiful hummer photos! You're outdoing yourself, Packrat.

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