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Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday, Pre-Wind

West of Tortugas
Today will be another incredibly windy one.  Fortunately, Becca and I got in a long hike before the torment.  We ran into one serious mountain biker and one serious jogger.  The jogger was carrying a large backpack to make his effort even harder.  Becca was really well behaved with both intruders of her desert world.
Tail on the trail

Jet fighter near Ocotillo blossom

Ain't I cute?

What moved this boulder?

Mesquite in dry arroyo

Same mesquite, different angle


Dr. K said...

Great photo of the hummingbird--and of Becca smiling up at you.

Dr. K said...

Great photo of the hummingbird--and of Becca smiling up at you.

Ho Ho Hike

Willow relaxing in the left branch arroyo We saw Mrs. Basset and her hounds when we were driving up Tellbrook to the trailhead this morning;...