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Friday, April 8, 2011

Sky Island

Ponderos Pine (left), dog (right)
Sky Islands are desert mountains that rise dramatically from a surrounding sea of arid land, and, because of sheer altitude and surrounding valleys, support the growth of plant species uncommon to lower elevations.  In the higher elevations of these mountains, forests of Ponderosa Pine, Aspen, White and Douglas Fir, Rocky Mountain Maple and Spruce exist.  During the hot days of a desert summer there is nothing better than a trip to the cool Sky Islands.  These photos are from a hike along the Rim Trail outside of Cloudcroft, New Mexico, in the Sacramento Mountains.  The highest peak is Sierra Blanca at 12,003 ft.
Stand of Pondersoa Pines and Aspens

Break in the forest canopy

Southern Sacramento Mountains

Rim Trail, White Sands National Monument in distance

Sierra Blanca, high point of the Sacramentos

One of the many observatories in the Sacramento Mountains

Becca on the trail

Fallen pine

One-spot profile

Another fallen pine tree


Dr. K said...

This is a beautiful sky island, Packrat.

Violet said...

I can smell those pines all the way to the Bluegrass state.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...