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Friday, September 4, 2020

Hey 98.6

East in Second Arroyo
The humidity wasn't supposed to be particularly high when we set off this morning, but it felt quite humid out in our section of the northern Chihuahuan Desert.  The sun was merciless, and there wasn't a hint of breeze.  We're headed for a high of 98F today--about 11 degrees above normal--and it seemed as if we'd hit it already during our daily trek.
This and the next 2:  Ocotillos and the Organs

While we paused in Second Arroyo for a shade and water break we saw a guy running up LDR with his dog on a lead.  They were the only nature enthusiasts we saw out there today.

All four of us were glad to get back to the CR-V after our trek, happy for the comfort of its shady interior and cool air conditioning on the short ride home.

This and the next:  Dr. K and the Heelers

Soaptree Yucca

A long view

This and the next:  longer view with Ocotillo

Willow and Frio

Western flank of Tortugas

Same as above, different magnification

Soaptree Yucca



1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Cute photos of the dogs with their tongues hanging out.

Saturday with Wils

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