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Monday, August 8, 2011

What Happens on a Peaceful Day?

You run into an agitated Western Diamondback Rattlesnake who's coiled and threatening to strike.  We gave it sufficient space to calm down, then went on our merry way.


Dr. K said...

The sound of the rattle is ominous. Great videos.

Jasmine Walt said...

Geez. I don't think I would have stuck around long enough to film it! How close did you get?

packrat said...

We were about twenty feet away, Jasmine--a fairly safe distance. Rattlers can strike about twice their body length. This one was probably about five feet long.

Caroline said...

Wow! I've seen rattlesnakes fairly close before, but I've never seen one rattle like that! Amazing. And I'm glad Becca took your advice and stayed away!

Monday Solo with Wils

Long-distance view of Tortugas and the Organs Dr. K did double-duty shopping this morning (Target and Albertsons) so it was Willow and me on...