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Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Church of Nature

Tortugas loop road
Dr. K, Becca and I were worshipping in the Church of Nature this morning, thankful that we ran into no other members of the flock.  (By that I mean "birds").  Oh, we saw several mountain bikers in the distance; Becca spotted them a mile away. And we briefly crossed paths with Jorge, the most dedicated biker out there.  But it was a quiet Sunday in the Chihuahuan Desert.  Just how we like it.
Heavy overcast over the Organs

C?  Research area off the Crosscut Trail

Tortugas and the Organs

Looking to the right

Looking to the left

Could be a painting of mythical proportions

Fall scene in the Chihuahuan Desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That photo of the valley would make a good painting. Get to it!

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