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Monday, March 12, 2018

Lowlands to Highlands

Odd light over Tortugas Mountain early this morning
Becca and I did a short early morning hike in the lower desert before returning home to finish packing for our trip to the Sacramento Mountains.  Dr. K is on spring break from UTEP, and we decided to spend some quality time in the High Rolls/Mountain Park area of the mountains.  The house was a little cold up here owing to the below freezing nights of late.  It's supposed to dip to 29F this evening--not really too bad for the high country.
Some patches of blue

Down the single-track to the lower desert

This kind of morning

Some color

Almost identical scene in B&W

A look up Haynes Canyon on a pleasant, but cool, afternoon

Dr. K and Becca in our drive

Looking south

Never did show himself (Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus)

At home in the high country

Hurrying down ahead of us

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That's a funny photo of the flicker peeking over the telephone pole.

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