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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Another Midweek Meander

Heading down LDR-A
43% (?) chance of rain by 7 a.m. today, but the intrepid trekkers (Willow and Frio) and I got not even a sprinkle as we hiked up to First Arroyo and back.  Saw a few criters out there, but no people or dogs.

It did feel a tad bit humid in the desert this morning, but a slight breeze ameliorated the heat.  Our discomfort level wasn't too high by the time we got back to the upper flatland.

Several vehicles were parked at the Tellbrook/Sonoma Ranch corner lot, but we didn't see any of the occupants as we were leaving.

Distant view of Picacho

Silly little Soaptree Yucca


One of my favorite Soaptrees outside of First Arroyo

This and the next 4:  Willow and Frio

This and the next:  inside First Arroyo

Favorite deadwood in First Arroyo

Base of a Soaptree Yucca

First Arroyo otra vez

Last 2:  Prickly Pear blossom


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love those photos of Frio and Willow. And I also like the close-up shots of the yellow prickly pear flower. A lot of pollen!

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...