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Monday, May 3, 2021

Desert to Mountains

Organ Mountains
Willow, Frio and I did a hike up to First Arroyo and back before heading home to finish packing for a trip to the high country.

We're at our place in the Sacramento Mountains now, enjoying the cooler weather.  While I was playing ball with Frio in the early afternoon we had a visit from Cowboy and the new dog, a Heeler that kind of resembles Willow.

Frio interacted with both dogs, and they played a while.  Willow was in the front yard snarling and barking at the canine conference she could only observe from a distance.

Heading up the long dirt road

This and the next:  mesquite blooming

This and the next 2:  Black-chinned Hummingbird

Frio and Willow

Big clouds over Haynes Canyon


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love that photo of the clouds over Haynes Canyon. It's nice to be in the high country for a few days.

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