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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Humidity Plus Sun Equals Heat

Ocotillos blooming
I left the house today dressed in a long-sleeve shirt, long trousers and my Marmot PreCip jacket.  Even though the jacket is super light I knew as soon as I stepped out of the CR-V near the trailhead that I was over-dressed.  Humidity from the past few rainy days combined with brilliant sunshine made me really hot.

I was steaming all the way up to First Arroyo where we stopped for a respite in the shade of a huge Soaptree Yucca.  I removed my jacket, tied it to my waist, rolled the sleeves up on my Craghoppers shirt and wished I had worn hiking shorts.

Conditions improved as we headed back, though, because a refreshing breeze picked up and cooled me down significantly.  We're supposed to hit 88F today, with higher temperatures coming tomorrow.

This and the next 2:  Willow and Frio

East in First Arroyo

This and the next:  same tree

Ocotillo flowers

Bishop Cap

Desert Cardinal in one of our Mesquite Trees


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really, really like that photo of the Desert Cardinal in the mesquite tree.

Nest Building

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