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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Bridal Veil to Calico Peak

This and the next 3:  Mule Deer conference at our place
Dr. K's knee was giving her grief this morning so we decided it would be best for me to do a long hike with Frio. I would not have been able to handle both Heelers on the trail I wanted to hike this morning:  the Calico Peak.

So Frio and I did the Bridal Veil Falls Trail down to the intersection with the Calico Peak Trail, and then we climbed up and up and up until we reached a high flat area where we stopped for water in the shade of an Alligator Juniper grove.  I tried calling Dr. K from up there, but there was no signal.

The long trek down was made difficult by the natural erosion that has happened to the trail, a slight slanting to the right (the downward slope direction) that forced me to be extra cautious about my right knee until we got back to the Bridal Veil Falls Trail.  From there it was a moderate ascent back to the CR-V.

Sacramento Mountains

Looks like an Ash-throated Flycatcher

Sotol and juniper growing on a cliff

Bridal Veil Falls Trail


Headed down to that gorge

Frio taking a break

Starting up the steep Calico Peak Trail

Sotols at higher elevation

White Sands from the Calico Peak Trail

Best shot I could get of this beauty:  Western Tanager

Frio gaining elevation


Tree Cholla and dead tree

Frio in an Alligator Juniper alcove

Spotted Towhee


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photos from your hike with Frio today. And those photos of the deer are pretty amazing. What are they looking at?

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