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Thursday, August 4, 2022

High Country Rain

Purple flower
Lots of rain yesterday afternoon, so much so we wondered how much mud we'd have to contend with getting the dogs out this morning.  Not much.

We were able to take Willow and Frio on a forest bushwhack without any of us getting too muddy.  After a strenuous trek we got back to the cabin and I decided to do some yard work.  Dr. K helped out by using a small clipper to trim grass I wasn't able to cut with the lawnmower.

It's supposed to rain again this afternoon.  Hopefully I'll be able to get in some ball playing with Frio, which I couldn't do yesterday because of weather conditions.

Hedgehog Cactus

Bushwhacking in the forest

Yellow flowers

Find Frio

What's Willow into?

Through the forest


American Crow banking left

Bank of clouds

Yellow flower

Farms/Ranches along Karr Canyon Road

Closer view of those farms/ranches

This and next:  find the Heelers

More yellow flowers

This & next 3:  Chihuahuan Flax (Linum vernale)

Chihuahuan Flax with bug

Ma Kettle

Pa Kettle


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the scenic views of the farms and ranches close to our property.

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