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Monday, October 16, 2023

A Few Hours Late

Desert Marigold
I had a doctor's appointment early this morning so Willow, Frio and I didn't get on the road until 10 a.m.  Although it was still cool the conditions felt considerably warmer than on our normal starting time.

We did our usual route, and we spotted several guys out in the desert, one hiking along LDR and the other driving a white pickup truck along the Tellbrook Arroyo.

We three amigos got some decent exercise during our outing today.

Monster yucca

The peppy "O"s

Soaptree in the left branch

This & next:  same barrel cactus with fruit

This & next:  Ocotillos fading

Not-so-peppy "O"s


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photo of the pretty Desert Marigold.

Saturday with Wils

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