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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Difficult Bushwhack

This & next:  juniper berries
Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I did another forest bushwhack this morning, and it was a difficult one.  We ended up high on the mountain behind the cabin is an area we'd not been in before; the return hike was tough because we were stymied several times by thick groves of junipers.

We managed to get back to our place with plenty of time to do the rest of the yard work that needed doing.  Afterward I did a few other minor jobs that required attention.

This & next:  Sacramento Mountain vistas

Not Turpentine Bush

Sacramento Mountains

This & next:  Davis Mountain Mock Vervain

Mountain living

More local color

Apple orchard just beyond the poplar trees

This & next 2:  bizarre find in the forest

Seems obvious that somebody put the skull there

A yucca, hedgehog cactus and a prickly pear walked into a bar

Hedgehog Cactus

This & next:  Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus

Frio and Willow

Heading back

This & next:  our place

This & next:  juniper with berries

Haynes Canyon


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Great images of the beautiful Davis Mountains Mock Vervain.

More Claret Cups

Mormon Tea buds Dr. K, Willow and I had a good hike this morning; weather conditions were just right:  sunny, warm, no wind.  While we desce...