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Saturday, May 24, 2008


I have the utmost respect for this White-Wing Dove mama, who clung tenaciously to her nest during a fierce wind storm recently. Over the last few days of the past week, we had persistent winds of 37 to 40 mph and gusts up to 56 mph. The small desert willow in which she built her nest bowed over time and again, threatening to eject her, her nest and the young ones inside. She never budged. And now that the winds have calmed, she continues to mind her brood.
There are human beings who would have abandoned their young in far better circumstances. How can you not admire a creature with such dedication?
The second photo is of two other doves in the very same tree.

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the light and shadow on this picture of the two doves. This is a very cool blog.

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