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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Let Me Take You Down . . .

'Cause I'm going to--Strawberry Pitaya. Again. I can't help it, but the flowers of the Strawberry Pitaya Cactus are so beautiful I had to post more. Research Associate Becca and I happened upon these gems this morning during fieldwork.

She was quickly distracted from the aesthetics of the situation, though, by a quick-moving lizard dashing from rock to rock. I must say that I'm slightly worried about this compulsion that Becca displays, the need to chase after anything that moves. This past week she even lunged at several tarantula hawks (among the largest wasps)--a potentially dangerous maneuver. I know it's insatiable scientific curiosity that motivates her, but it is scary, nonetheless.

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the intense colors of these flowers. I think that cacti flowers have the most intense color of any plant.

It's rattlesnake season in the desert, so I hope Becca is careful.

Saturday with Wils

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