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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Circumnavigating Tortugas

On the northern flank of Tortugas Mountain
The weather would have been fine this morning (36 F) if the wind hadn't been so high.  It made us reconsider our plan to hike completely around Tortugas (Tortoise) Mountain.  We decided to go for it anyway, and it was several well-spent hours.  We ran into only a few other hikers while getting some good exercise.  The elevation climbs and descents are a lot greater on the northern flank of the mountain.  Becca, of course, never got winded.
Dr. K on the trail

The lead dog

Tortugas and the rugged Organ Mountains

Becca and Soaptree Yucca


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Today's hike wore me out.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...