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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow and Frigid Temps

Snow and ice toppled this Torrey Yucca
It was 9 Farenheit when Becca and I left for our hike around Tortugas Mountain.  The wind chill was around 0 F.  It was probably the coldest I've ever felt in the lower Chihuahuan Desert.  We seriously curtailed our hike because it was just too frigid out.  Taking my gloves off to take photos was excruciating.  I can only remember one other occasion when I felt this cold:  when Dr. K and I did the Window Trail in the Chisos Mountains of Big Bend National Park.  It was 10 F.  But we were in the mountains.

Snow-covered Prickly Pear Cactus

An unusual sight

Snow dog

Tortugas Mountain and footfills in snow


Dr. K said...

Despite the cold, you were still able to take some beautiful shots.

Unknown said...

Well at least you got enough snow to see in a photo. All we've got here are the frigid temps. By "here" I mean the Big Bend Ranch State Park in Texas. I'm the resident photographer here and just started a blog on the Chihuahuan Desert. Plants, Photography, information. I'm "AnEyeForTexas" on Wordpress.

packrat said...

Thanks for commenting,AnEyeForTexas. I'll check your blog out for sure. I love the Chihuahuan Desert--as I'm certain you do, too.

Saturday with Wils

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