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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Showtime

An overcast desert sky
Dr. K, Becca and I were on the trail around Tortugas Mountain early this morning, but quite a few other hikers, bikers and joggers were out there, too.  We had only one close encounter with a biker, though, and Becca was on her best behavior.  The desert sky was overcast, and high humidity remained from yesterday's brief rainstorm--a squall, really (I like that word "squall").  Unfortunately, some "hunter" was on the south mesa taking pot shots at anything that moved.  I don't know that for certain, but that's how I feel about all "hunters."

The best hiking companion

Miracle near the Organ Mountains

How Tortoise Mountain got its name

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The sky was especially pretty this morning.

Sunday Sunshine

1st 2:  Willow in left branch arroyo  We did our regular route this morning seeing no one else along the way.  After the hike--during which ...