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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sierra Vista Trek

The weather was very cool for our morning hike along the Sierra Vista Trail today.  Even though the sun was strong the wind was pretty stiff.  We hiked further than usual on this trail, in the direction of Bishop's Cap (images #3 and #6), returning at a leisurely pace.  Lots of flowers were blooming, including Range Ratany (last image), which, I learned is an unusual plant.  Ratany uses photosynthesis, but also parasitizes the roots of other plants.  Ratany doesn't have nectar, but is pollinated by oil bees that get floral oil from the plant.

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Today's hike might have been the last chilly one for the season.

New Bird

Willow looking down our road We decided that we'd do another forest hike behind our cabin rather than doing a Rim Trail trek this mornin...