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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Encountering Old Friends

This and the next:  Threadleaf Sunflower (Hymenopappus Filifolius)
Because the Heelers and I have been doing long hikes we've begun entering territory that I used to trek through with Becca nearly every day for years.  This morning we ran into some old friends of mine--Barry and Renee--who Becca and I would see fairly often hiking with their dog Kaiser, a beautiful German Shepherd.  We hadn't seen them for nearly three months, just after we adopted Willow and Frio.

We all chatted for a while (even Frio, who expressed his opinion by barking at Barry) before parting company to head our separate ways.

We left on our outing extra early today to try beating the heat, but by the time we were finishing up the temperature was steadily climbing.  I think we're going to hit 93 or 94 Fahrenheit today, and hotter temps are slated for the coming days.

Bouquet of Desert Zinnia

That fly tasted terrible

This and the next 7:  Ocotillos blooming in the desert

What kind of bird is that?

The road back

An arroyo worth exploring

Old and the new

This and the next 2:  Black-chinned Hummer

Swainson's Hawk

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It looks like a forest of blooming ocotillos in the desert--a pretty sight.

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...