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Friday, April 30, 2021

At Times It Looked Like Rain

There were a few sprinkles on the CR-V windshield when we headed out this morning, and for much of the time during our hike it seemed as if rain was likely.  It never came, though, and, after yesterday's soaking, we were grateful for the good fortune.

Although we saw a few jackrabbits out today--including one the Heelers were ready to chase--there were no other sentient beings around; no vehicles were parked at the Tellbrook/Sonoma Ranch lot, either.

The trek up to Second Arroyo, the bushwhack into First Arroyo and the trek back gave us some good exercise on this cloudy and cool day in our section of the northern Chihuahuan Desert.

Soaptree and the Organs

Willow and Frio


The long view, southwest

Organ Mountains

Crossing down into First Arroyo


Patch of blue

Sun again


Wedge of blue sky

Franklin Mountains near El Paso



1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photos with the patches of blue sky in the cloudy sky.

Nest Building

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