On the right bank of LDR-A
80F when Willow, Frio and I started off this morning, and the humidity was fairly high. Felt pretty awful out there with almost nary a breeze.
Willow was in full pull mode for much of the hike, but, surprisingly, neither she nor Frio lurched forward when a jackrabbit sped across the trail no further than ten feet ahead of us. And later--when we were bushwhacking across the floor to get to a Barrel Cactus for a photo-op--they didn't even see a small cottontail just a few feet away from us. Before the bunny could take off I turned the Heelers around and bushwhacked away from the critter. Aside from a few birds the hare and rabbit were the only animals I saw out there today.
Stopped off at our local Circle K to fuel up the CR-V on our way home.
This & next: mutant Barrel Cactus
This & next 2: small Barrel Cactus
This & next: side view of a Barrel Cactus bud opening
Willow and Frio
Another small Barrel Cactus
The rest: a small Barrel Cactus with almost yellow flowers
1 comment:
I really like the side views of the Barrel Cactus blooms. An unusual perspective.
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