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Monday, February 12, 2024

Bit of Bushwhack

Organ Mountains still have some snow
32F when we started off this morning; in other words "freezing."  Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I braved the cold, nevertheless, even adding extra distance by bushwhacking in a giant loop off the left branch arroyo.

There were a few vehicles parked on Tellbrook, but we never saw anybody out there.  The most notable sighting was of an American Kestrel who's been hanging around in the same general area for the past few days.  Always love to see the "Sparrow Hawks."

Three wise men

Cholla with fruit

Lone Soaptree

American Kestrel

Long view of the Organs

Zooming in on the Organs

Frio and Willow

This & next:  the "O"s scouting for critters

Lone Soaptree from atop the hill

Looking down from the hill

This & next:  same American Kestrel

Ocotillos and snowy mountains

Last 2:  distant views of the Organs


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the first photo that you posted of our Heelers.

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