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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Wednesday with Heelers

Tortugas Mountain and a bit of the Organs
Dr. K went shopping this morning so it was me and the "O"s on the daily trek.

We started off on our usual route, but made a wide loop out of left branch arroyo, bushwhacking across to another arroyo, following it south and then climbing to the top of the steep ridge east of us.

We followed the ridge to the north, dropping back down into the lower desert just before climbing the hill we've visited frequently of late.

We saw the Basset people and their hounds as we were leaving; they waited at the junction of the upper flatland road and LDR until we passed them, all (except the canines) waving hello to each other.

Frio and Willow

Soaptree in the left branch arroyo

This & next:  barrel cacti and friends

Willow and Frio

Gnarly old Ocotillo

Long view of Tortugas from a high ridge

Looking down at the desert from the same ridge

Which one is D'Artagnan?

The "O"s bushwhacking

Petrified egg


Northward down right branch arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photo of the gnarly old Ocotillo.

Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...