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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Back in Cruces

Weather this morning
After a two-day trip to Tucson with Frio we got back on the trail in our desert with our Willow.  Dr. K went grocery shopping.

The weather was fairly cooperative; we only got sprinkled on a few times.  It was lack-of-sunshine cold out there this morning, but fortunately no wind complicated conditions.

We did our usual route, but added distance by bushwhacking out of the left branch arroyo, making a huge loop up to and over the hill east of us, and then rejoining the left branch north of the ancient Soaptree Yucca.

A good time was had by all.

I call them "buttholes"

Bit of blue beyond

Willow and Frio

A lone Soaptree

Ear lick

Frio and Willow

Which way?

This & next 2:  views from the hill

Fox hole

This & next:  same scene, different magnification

Last 2:  bit of snow on the Organs


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