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Sunday, March 31, 2024

Back in the Lower Desert

1st 3:  weather conditions this morning
It was completely overcast during our trek this morning, but at 56F with slightly high humidity it didn't feel cold.

We did our usual route, seeing nobody while we were out there.  After the excursion we drove over to our local Circle K to gas up the CR-V, and then we did a semi-long drive while listening to Matt Jones and Myron Medcalf on the Sunday Morning show.

Lil' Wils

Headed down LDR-A arroyo

Pack rats have nearly pulverized that Prickly Pear

Swainsy is back (Swainson's Hawk)

Hedgehog buds popping

This & next:  Dr. K, Willow and Claret Cup Cactus

Last 2:  Claret Cup Cactus


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the image of the Swainson's Hawk. I wonder if it's the same hawk we were seeing a while ago.

Saturday with Wils

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