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Monday, July 29, 2024

Buggy, Hot, Humid, Smoky

Unless otherwise captioned all images are leafed-out ocotillos
Dr. K had the lingering effects of a migraine so opted out of this morning's hike.  It was Willow and me on the regular route today.

Weather conditions were quite unpleasant:  too many small bugs, too hot, too humid and a a bit too smoky.  We had hoped the smoke from western wildfires would have headed in another direction by now.

We had been away in the high country for five days so it came as a big surprise to find so many ocotillos all greened out in the desert.


Willow headed down LDR-A


Barrel buds

Prickly Pear Cactus "pears"

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice images of the greened-out Ocotillos. My favorite is the second one you posted.

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