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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday's Slog

This & next 6:  Ladder-backed Woodpecker on mesquite
Felt pretty awful out there this morning:  hotter than the past few mornings and more humid, even though there's no shot at rain.

We did our usual hike, seeing no one else in the process; not many nature enthusiasts are out challenging the elements like we three nuts are.

Took a short ride after the outing, driving through familiar neighborhoods to check out the surroundings.


This & next:  American Desert Hare (aka "jackrabbit")

This & next:  yucca behind Willow should be green

Spent yucca seed pod

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice images of the Ladderback Woodpecker. I like the penultimate image the best.

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