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Monday, July 22, 2024

Rain and More Rain

1st 3:  cloudy Organs
Sprinkling a bit this morning before we took off on the daily trek.  We didn't get rained on, but we got humidified.  Looks like chances for more precip are pretty good this afternoon.

Did our usual hike.  The only critter we saw was a jackrabbit exiting right branch arroyo just as we approached.  I tried to get a good photo, but to no avail.


We need even more tain

Yuccas on hill west of the Organs

The Lone Soaptree on 4210 hill

More rain please

Prickly Pear pears

Willow and Dr. K coming up the right branch arroyo


Tortugas and the Organs

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I think you got a good photo of the Jackrabbit on the hill.

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