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Friday, October 4, 2024

Not Cool Enough

1st 2:  chubby Black-throated Sparrow
It wasn't bad when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike, but it still isn't cool enough.  We're set to hit 92F today, which is still quite a bit above normal.

When we were driving up to the trailhead we saw the Basset people far down below us, probably heading home after their hike.  We saw no other nature lovers out there today.

We did our regular route, stopping often because Willow demanded it.

Ocotillo flowers still hanging on

Freddie the Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Old nest in a yucca

Willow and Dr. K

Freddie on the move

The long view

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice image of Freddie on the move.

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