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Wednesday, October 2, 2024


This & next 7:  Spotted Towhee
Despite many attempts I couldn't get a decent photo of the Spotted Towhee pictured here.  Two things puzzled me about the bird: first, its eyes weren't red/orange like countless ones I've seen, and photographed, in higher elevations, and, second, I've never seen one down here in the lower desert.  From its markings, though, it's undoubtedly a Spotted Towhee.

Dr. K, Willow and I had a pleasant hike today, following our regular route.  With the exception of the towhee and a rock wren we saw no other desert denizens--none, at least, that we could identify.

When we got home Dr. K got ready and left for her shopping stint at Target.

Rock Wren

Pencil Cholla fruit

Heeler known as Willow

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice images of the Spotted Towhee. My favorite is the 4th photo that you posted.

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